The Hydrangea Boys!

Info Update 4.5

What you'll probably need to know

List of Alters and xeir info

(Some of the alters' pages will take you off of this site. We WILL have a second, kinda identical carrd because the main one is too laggy to add to.)

Other Info about us

🞤 Eddie Hydrangea 🞤

It/He/Xey Axolotl with a side of 70 mental illnesses

This is our collective or catchall info.
Just basic need-to-know info about us as a whole.
If you don't want to go through everyone's profiles this is what you should read.

✤ Basic Info ✤

🞤 Username 🞤
🞤 Catchall Names 🞤
Eddie • Hydrangea • Edward Hydrangea
🞤 Catchall Pronouns 🞤
It/Its • He/His • Xey/Xeir
🞤 Catchall Gender 🞤
Transmasc Nonbinary • Genderfluid
🞤 Catchall Sexuality 🞤
Bisexual • DemiSexual • DemiRomantic
🞤 Catchall Preferred terms 🞤
Most masculine terms • Some neutral terms • Creature • Mr. • Xx.
(Just refer to us as a guy or something)

✤ About us ✤

🞤 Our personality impression 🞤
Introverted • Chaotic • Apologetic
🞤 Our shared persona is a 🞤
Chimera Axolotl
🞤 Our masking typing looks like 🞤
Hello! We're Eddie, nice to meet you! ^^
🞤 We kin 🞤
Fluorite (SU) • Gabumon • Totoro
🞤 Additional Information 🞤
Our body has chronic illnesses, chronic exhaustion being one of them. We avoid talking as much as possible to conserve energy, but we do enjoy conversation! Just reach out, it's hard for us.

Most of our alters hold grudges, if you recognize us and we aren't friends anymore it's best not to try and talk to us especially if we ended on bad terms. We'll still be angry at you, don't even try it.

We have extremely bad trust issues, if we don't want to tell you certain things just let it go. It's not you, it's the trauma.

We default to acting like a singlet when under stress, if we refer to ourselves in singular, don't try and "call us out". We're just used to masking the fact we're plural and have a hard time breaking habits.

✤ System Info ✤

🞤 Alters in order of forming 🞤
Tommy/BoperBug • Artie • Tailz • Coco • Sammie • Issac • Robyn • Tayrey • Grian • Indigo • Tangerine • Gummi • Joe • Jamie
🞤 Generalized Age 🞤
20 years old.
(Just treat any of us like a 20 year old if you're unsure of an alter's age. Though keep in mind some are younger/older)
🞤 Additional Information 🞤
We're a very fictive heavy system, literally all of us are some sort of fictive. We're not sure how this happened but just don't be weird about it please.

Most everyone has fronting trauma. If someone fronts and calls xemself Eddie, or expresses discomfort at saying who it is, DO NOT PUSH XEM TO TELL YOU.

✤ Discomforts ✤

🞤 Triggers 🞤
EyecontactSexual Assault/RapeNeedlesIrl Gore • Roaches • Angry yelling • Self harm • Animal/Plant harm • Experimentation • Dismemberment • Shootings • Suffocation • Tokyo Ghoul
🞤 Squicks 🞤
Tech DestructionAbuse • Deep open water • Drowning/Flooding • Death • Cigarettes • Slurs in general • Most Political talk
🞤 Terms to NOT use 🞤
Anything feminineMonster • Some neutral terms • Mx.
🞤 Nicknames to NOT use 🞤
Pumpkin PieAnything that could be seen as romanticGirl (even if used gender neutrally) • Anything related to children
🞤 Other 🞤
We have extremely bad paranoia and psychosis.
Don't send us things like "I'm in your walls", "You're being watched" or anything along those lines. Literally only 3 people get to joke with us about that kind of stuff.

NEVER use They/Them for any of us unless told otherwise. We have trauma from getting called They when we specified He.

A lot of our alters are hypersexual from trauma and feel at least mildly uncomfortable talking to minors/littles who aren't familialy attached. We're trying to keep ourselves and others safe, don't be weird about this.

✤ Favorites ✤

This is only a few of our favorites, if we were to list every single one here it'd be unreadable.

🞤 Colors 🞤
Sky BlueRose PinkRainbows • Lush Green • Twilight Purple • Cream Yellow • Dusty Red • Any Blue • Any Pink • Any Purple
🞤 Food 🞤
Pot RoastTamalesCoffee • Soda • Chicken • Tiramisu • Shrimp • Cake • Fresh Bread • Icecream Sandwiches • Bubble Gum
🞤 Aesthetics 🞤
HydrangeasHalloween • Natural • Ocean • Clouds • Lovecore • Webcore • Scenecore • Fantasy • Kidcore
🞤 Songs 🞤
Drops of Jupiter by Train • Spiral Staircase by Patrica Taxxon • Orchids by glass beach
🞤 Bands/Artists 🞤
Patricia TaxxonTMBG • glass beach • Owl City • Lemon Demon • Indigo Girls • Will Wood • 100 gecs • Tally Hall • Train
🞤 Music Genres 🞤
Indie • Alternative • Hyperpop • Folk • EDM
🞤 Characters 🞤
Any HLVRAI Char • Spiritomb • Winged Kuriboh • Ratchet (R&C) • Ichigo (OC)
🞤 Other 🞤
HLVRAIAnimationMusic/Music TheoryMinecraft • Pokemon • Writing • Undertale/Deltarune • Meteorology • Gaming • Crabs

✤ Catchall Flags ✤

🞤 Bisexual 🞤
• Most of us are Multispec, and this is the flag we're all the most comfortable with

🞤 DemiRomantic 🞤
• Almost all of us are Aro-Spec in some way

🞤 DemiSexual 🞤
• This is a masking thing, we're not comfortable telling IRLs about sexual things

🞤 Transmasc Nonbinary 🞤
• None of us are cis lmao

🞤 Genderfluid 🞤
• A lot of our personal genders are different from eachother, so this is our catchall.

🞤 Polyamorous 🞤
• We all like having/have multiple partners, and our partners having partners.
We also have a lot of inter-system relationships. We see eachother as basically roommates.
We especially don't want your opinion on this if you're a singlet. /srs

🞤 Keep in mind everyone has xeir own flags that xey'd prefer to use 🞤

✤ Help ✤

Q- What are the symbols for?
A- To devide things like commas, but easier for people like us to read. All will be in unicode.
Q- How do I know who's fronting?
A- Ask! We won't usually tell unless we're using the PK bot on discord. Or you can pick up on our speech patterns.
Q- Why do you have so much info listed?
A- Mostly so it's easier to tell people about ourselves, but also so our alters don't forget info about the others.
Q- Why are some things bold?
A- It means it's the most important thing of that category, ie, a favorite or least favorite.
Q- What's with all the gifs?
A- We like to express ourselves through all sorts of media, stim gifs included! (Also they look nice okay?)
Q- What's with the "Info Update" on the home screen?"
A- Its to track how many updates we've had to our carrd. The first number is for large changes like adding members or updating formats, and the second number is for smaller changes like correcting typos or adding/removing small things.

✤ Do Not Interact ✤

Basic DNI Criteria (PLEASE ffs read this.)
Cringe Culture
DreamSMP/MCYT stans
(Non-DSMP MCYT enjoyers can interact, but you're on thin ice.)
People who show off Eating Disorders/Self Harm
Other problematic media supporters
Endogenic (Non-Traumagenic) systems
"Trans-Abled" or whatever, you're gross
Toothpaste Gay Flag Users/Supporters (blue and green)
NFT supporters
Not critical of media you enjoy
If you know our deadname (IRLs)
Fakeclaimers/Anti self DX

Keep in mind that we enforce our DNI through blocking.
If you fit our criteria and you ignore this don't get pissy that we blocked you. It's not our fault you didn't listen :)

✤ Discord Information✤

If you're looking for an explaination about our bio, click here!

🞤 Our Schedule 🞤
We take a mental health break every Wednesday.
We do this because all of us are introverted and need a day without much social interaction. Wait till Thursday for a response!

If we're on Discord on Wednesday we're either moving the break to Thursday or it's an emergency, though it's very rare.

We ususally go to bed at 11 pm EST, if we don't, we either got distracted or we're in mental distress.
🞤 DM Boundaries 🞤
You're free to DM us at any time, even if we're offline.
The only circumstance where you shouldn't DM us is if our status says something like "Don't text me right now"

Like our collective info said, please don't send us psychosis inducing images/phrases like "Don't look behind you" or stuff like creepy pasta images. Our host, who has violent psychosis episodes, is almost always at co-front if not at front directly.
🞤 Other 🞤
We're almost always on Do Not Disturb because the notification noise triggers our misophonia. (Annoys us to the point of anger)

If we don't respond immediately we're busy, we don't hate you!

✤ Bio Information✤

🞤 First Row : Who's at front 🞤
We put this in our bio so people we DM often don't have to ask who's at front every day. We use our emoji tags for this. The discord bio is small!

If you're confused what front is, it basically just means who's piloting the body. Some alters may be 'co-front' which means xey can see what's going on but don't have control over the body, though xey might have influence.
🞤 Second + Third Rows : General information🞤
Just some very basic info about us. (Catchall name and pronouns)
🞤 Forth Row : Our partners 🞤
We keep hearts in our bio to represent our partners! We're polyamorous and like to show our love! (our partners are from the LCC and VHS systems)

🧡 Orange : Soda • 🤍 White : Benrey • 💙 Blue : Barney • 💜 Purple : Darnold • 💚 Green : Sevrice • 💛 Yellow : Neo • 🤎 Brown : Feetman • ❤️ Red : Merlot

The hearts are in the order we got together with each of them in!
🞤 Fifth Row : The Link 🞤
Well, you know what that is. It's probably how you got here!
We keep it there just in case! It'll update if it changes.

If it is on disclaimer mode, something happened or we're under extremely heavy maintenance. It'll probably just say what's up though.

Lovebug's Profile ~💌

special delivery for you today! it's a love letter!

yo! i'm bug, the co host of this the buttons below to learn about me, or don't lmao

❥ My Basic Info!

♥ Username ♥
♥ Tag ♥
💌 ➸ Lovebug's letters
♥ Name and Nicks ♥
LovebugBenrey ➸ Bug ➸ Benny ➸ Freeman
♥ Pronouns ♥
It/ItsHe/His ➸ Xy/Xyr ➳ Pup/Pups ➸ Ey/Eir ➸ Pi/Pinks
♥ Gender ♥
Lovecoric ➸ Transmasc ➸ Voidpunk
♥ Sexuality ♥
Cinthean ➸ Recipromantic
♥ Preferred terms ♥
Creature ➸ Thing ➸ Dude ➸ Guy ➸ Mr.

❥ About me!

♥ My personality impression ♥
Loud ➸ Protective ➸ Emotionally Reserved
♥ I am a ♥
Demon AI ➸ Human?
♥ I type like this ♥
yo, i'm lovebug! nice to meet you :]
♥ I kin ♥
King (TOH) ➸ Swap Gordon (HLVRV) ➸ Spinel (SU)
♥ Additional Information ♥
I am a Benrey from a very specific AU source. (A D&D version of Y2KVR) Despite being from from a D&D based timeline, I am not a tiefling. I was not supposed to be in the game, I was put there by accident.

I'm multi-source, being a Gordon from a pretty canon compliant timeline as well. I still mostly identify with my Benrey source, and that's mostly who I still am. My Gordon self is from the same timeline as Tay.

❥ System Info!

♥ System Role ♥
Co-Host ➸ Protector ➸ Trauma Holder
♥ Alter Type ♥
Multi-Source ➸ Fictive
♥ How much I front ♥
Very Often
♥ Mental Age ♥
20 years old (Same as Body)
♥ Additional Information ♥
I am hypersexual due to trauma. And though I mask it decently, I still feel uncomfy talking to littles and minors that aren't familially attached.

I front whenever our host, Tommy, is stressed. One of xeir stressors is meeting new people so, If you are going to meet anyone first it's usually me.

❥ Discomforts.

♥ Triggers ♥
Arm dismembermentSexual AssaultRape ➸ Tokyo Ghoul ➸ Suicide ➸ IRL Gore
♥ Squicks💌
Drowning ➸ Deep open water ➸ Cigarettes
♥ Terms to NOT use ♥
Anything Feminine ➸ Monster ➸ Mx. ➸ Man*
(*Depends on context, casual is fine)
♥ Nicknames to NOT use ♥
Pumpkin PieLittle LambBenBen ➸ Honey ➸ Sugar ➸ Sweetie
(Only partners get to use unbolded nicks. I just hate when they're used platonically.)
♥ Other ♥
If you're a LoverBoy alter who doesn't like Benreys, I am the worst possible person to talk to.

If you use this information against me, first off, what the hell is your problem. Second, I will not hesitate to use the block button for it's intended purpose.

❥ My Favorites!

♥ Colors ♥
Any Pink ➸ Sunflower Yellow ➸ Twilight Purple ➸ Chocolate Brown ➸ Cream yellow ➸ Pink-ish Brown ➸ Aberdeen ➸ Tangerine
♥ Food ♥
Code Red Mt. DewDragonfruitTiramisu ➸ Coffee ➸ Chocolate ➸ Icecream Sandwiches ➸ Cherry Candy ➸ Bloody Foods ➸ Strawberries
♥ Aesthetics ♥
Lovecore90's Anime ➸ Puppycore ➸ Space Opera ➸ Steampunk ➸ Shitposts ➸ Furry ➸ Traumacore
(I use Traumacore to cope, not as just an aesthetic)
♥ Songs ♥
Spiral Staircase by Patricia Taxxon ➸ (FOREVER!!!!!!!!!) [WOW OK Remix] orginal by glass beach ➸ Topanga Lawrence by Charmer
♥ Bands/Artists ♥
Patricia TaxxonLinkin Parkglass beach ➸ Tally Hall ➸ TMBG ➸ The Indigo Girls ➸ Lemon Demon ➸ 100 Gecs ➸ Will Wood ➸ Billy Cobb
♥ Music Genres ♥
HyperpopFuture Funk ➸ Midwestern Emo ➸ Grunge ➸ Punk ➸ Metal
♥ Characters ♥
Gordon FreemanRatchet (R&C)Benrey ➸ Swap Gordon ➸ Envy (FMA) ➸ Gabumon ➸ King (TOH) ➸ Bubby ➸ Kuromi ➸ Toph ➸ Fluttershy
♥ Other ♥
Ratchet and ClankBanana SkeletonsPlushiesOld PS1 Games ➸ Fursuits ➸ Bunnies ➸ Dogs ➸ Ladybugs ➸ Beetles ➸ Candy Gore ➸ Opossums ➸ Card games ➸ Website making ➸ Taigas

❥ Benrey's Flags!

♥ Cinthean ♥
➸ The gay flag I prefer

♥ Recipromantic ♥
➸ I don't feel romance until someone else feels it towards me, and have a hard time reciprocating

♥ Lovecoric ♥
➸ I feel gender euphoria with the Lovecore aesthetic

♥ Voidpunk ♥

♥ Polyamorous ♥
➸ I am chill with multiple partners + partners having partners

♥ Transmasculine Non-Binary ♥
➸ This is just the flag I prefer for this, made it myself! It's called the Gatorade Flag btw

These are just the flags I prefer, I also use the normal Non-Binary flag, Trans flag, and Rainbow flag!

ᓚᘏᗢ Sammie's Profile ᗢᘏᓗ

I think the moral of the story was that Frankenstein is a cuck.

Hallo, I'm Samus Freeman, welcome to my profile •w•Click my buttons pleaaase!

Basic Info;

ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Username ᗢᘏᓗ
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Tag ᗢᘏᓗ
💀 × Mint Overgrowth
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Names ᗢᘏᓗ
Sammie × Gardenia × Doc × Samus Spearmint Asterisk × Gardenia Freeman × Minty
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Pronouns ᗢᘏᓗ
It/Its × She/Her × Zed/Zeds
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Gender ᗢᘏᓗ
Demigirl × Rainbowcoric
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Sexuality ᗢᘏᓗ
Pansexual × GreyRomantic
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Preferred terms ᗢᘏᓗ
Person × "That thing" × Most Neutral Terms × Some Feminine Terms × Xx. × Dr.

About me;

ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ My personality impression ᗢᘏᓗ
Aggresive × Hotheaded × Sardonic
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I am a ᗢᘏᓗ
Zombie Catperson × Human
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I type like this ᗢᘏᓗ
Hallo, I'm Sammie. Nice to meet you. X w X
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I kin ᗢᘏᓗ
Bubby × Mewtwo × Dr. Two Brains
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Additional Information ᗢᘏᓗ
In my catperson source I was made in a tube by scientists, and was the first animal-human hybrid. I have past-life memories from both my cat and human halves.
In that timeline I was eventually infected with a zombie virus from the lab, making me undead.
... I got better. /ref
In my human source I was pushed/I fell into radioactive goo, making me have inhuman qualities. I may joke about it but I hate discussing it seriously, so don't try to, thnx.

System Info;

ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ System Role ᗢᘏᓗ
Avenger × Trauma Holder
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Alter Type ᗢᘏᓗ
Multi-source × Non-Human × Fictive
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ How much I front ᗢᘏᓗ
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Mental Age ᗢᘏᓗ
20 years old (same as body)
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Additional Information ᗢᘏᓗ
I mostly ID with my Non-Human source, though I'm multisource like Tommy and Bug. I'm also a fictive of Doc from Tales from the Mad Science Team. If you're unsure what to call me just use Sammie.
I don't particularly enjoy talking to new people, so if you meet me you're lucky. Though I do tend to host with Tay when Bug and Tommy are MIA.


ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Triggers ᗢᘏᓗ
Sexual Assault × Needles × Animal Testing × Any and every thing having to do with piss. × Most gore (Pixel is fine sometimes)
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Squicks ᗢᘏᓗ
Bad Fathers. × Being told to "Shut Up" × Microfiber × Non-Cartoonish Blood
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Terms to NOT use ᗢᘏᓗ
Most Masculine terms × Some Feminine terms (Depends on context, man/girl casually is fine but don't call me a man or woman)
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Nicknames to NOT use ᗢᘏᓗ
Kitten × Cutie × Cinnamon Roll

If you use this information against me, first off, what the hell is your problem. Second, I will not hesitate to use the block button for it's intended purpose.


ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Colors ᗢᘏᓗ
Olive Green × Any Green × Blood Red × Any red × Dark purples × Black × Any gray × Navy Blue
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Food ᗢᘏᓗ
Mint Candy × Shrimp × Coffee × Pizza × Most fish × Spinach × Matcha × M&Ms × Potatoes × Venison × Sweet Chilis
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Aesthetics ᗢᘏᓗ
Cutesy Horror × Halloween × Y2K × Mad Scientist × Webcore × Scenecore × Early 2010's × Emo × Kidcore
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Songs ᗢᘏᓗ
The Pretender cover by Infected Mushroom × Blackhole Sun by Soundgarden × MEOW by Cyriak
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Bands/Artists ᗢᘏᓗ
Cyriak × Will Wood × Infected Mushroom × Caravan Palace × Slipknot × Justice × Iron Maiden × Gorillaz × Metallica
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Music Genres ᗢᘏᓗ
Weirdcore × Grunge × Metal × Rock × Electroswing × Alt Indie × Dance × Vocaloid
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Characters ᗢᘏᓗ
Ichigo (OC) × Adrian Shepard × Forzen (HLVRAI) × Bubby × Schmendrick × Squidward × Shrek × Metaknight
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Other ᗢᘏᓗ
Internet History × Cats × Emoticons × Mice/Rats × Monty Python × Nyancat × Dancing × Knives × Anything Undead × Anime × Old Runescape × Llamas × Rainbows × AQW × LOLRANDOM humor × Wasps × Franbow × Flies (Yes the insect)

Sammie's Flags;

ᓚᘏᗢ Pansexual ᗢᘏᓗ
× People pretty... (I still prefer to be with other Enby's though.)

ᓚᘏᗢ GreyRomantic ᗢᘏᓗ
× Yeah I know the others are more widespread but I like this one

ᓚᘏᗢ Demigirl ᗢᘏᓗ
× Some Gender, Left Beef. (The Green Goo stole most of my gender!)

ᓚᘏᗢ Rainbowcoric ᗢᘏᓗ
× Think of it like the radioactive residue. owo

ᓚᘏᗢ Polyamorous ᗢᘏᓗ
× I like multi-partners and my partners having other partners

I'm also okay with the Non-Binary flag.

✽☀✤Coco's Profile✤☀✽

Are we just not going to talk about how Mechanics are the perfect mix of nerd and jock?

Hiya! I'm Coco Bandicoot, welcome to my profile!Learning about me would be pretty sick of you! ^^

✽Basic Info✽

🥭 ✤ Coco's Checkmark
Coco ✤ Chris ✤ Cici
He/Him ✤ She/Her ✤ Xey/Xem ✤ Glim/Glimmers ✤ Any Neos
(I use all equally, so go ham!)
☀Preferred terms☀
Guy ✤ Girl ✤ Dude ✤ Dudette ✤ Bro ✤ Mr. ✤ Ms.

✽About Me✽

☀My personality impression☀
Technical ✤ Enthusiastic ✤ Bubbly
☀I am a☀
☀I type like this☀
Howdy! I'm Coco, pleasure to meet you. ^^
☀I kin☀
Darnold (HLVRAI) ✤ Donatello (TMNT) ✤ Twilight Sparkle
☀Additional Information☀
Do not treat me like a child.
Even though in my source I was a kid, I am not one now. I am an adult, treat me like one.

If you're cis I'd prefer if you only use He/Neos with me, no offense but cisgenders calling me by She is uncomfy.

✽System Info✽

☀System Role☀
Caretaker ✤ Mild Trauma Holder
☀Alter Type☀
☀How much I front☀
☀Mental Age☀
20 years old (Same as body)
☀Additional Information☀
I really enjoy talking about my source, so if you're a Crash Bandicoot fictive uncomfy with their source please make that obvious to me.

I have a fear of fronting around singlets due to trauma from getting taken advantage of. Please don't be offended if I refuse to front with you present.


The anime series NegimaAnimal Harm ✤ Car Wrecks ✤ Plane Crashes ✤ Tokyo Ghoul
Tech DestructionDrugs ✤ Building destruction ✤ Plant Harm ✤ Harem animes
☀Terms to NOT use☀
Young Lady ✤ Thing ✤ Mx. ✤ Animal
☀Nicknames to NOT use☀
GirlieChrissyPumpkin Pie ✤ Cutie

Please don't use any of this against me or I'll block you. Thanks.


Sky BlueIndigoBanana Yellow ✤ Strawberry pink ✤ Tangerine ✤ Any blue ✤ Any purple ✤ Any pink ✤ Any Yellow
Bubble GumMango Flavored anythingFloral Tea ✤ Gummies ✤ Snow cones ✤ Star candy
CloudsPirates ✤ Kidcore ✤ Galaxy ✤ Flowers ✤ Modern* (Not brutalist or minimalist)
Tokyo by Young Tender ✤ Your Soul by Forrest. ✤ I want you by Savage Garden
Train ✤ Miracle Music ✤ Oingo Boingo ✤ Beachboys ✤ RainbowDragonEyes ✤ Forrest. ✤ Danny Elfman ✤ Gorillaz
☀Music Genres☀
Video Game MusicIndie RockSurfer Rock ✤ Experimental ✤ Orchestral ✤ EDM
Doctor Freeman (HLVRV) ✤ Dr. Coomer ✤ Rarity (MLP) ✤ Battle Droids (Star Wars) ✤ Crash Bandicoot ✤ Megaman
TigersOld Playstation gamesWeapons ✤ Robotics ✤ DS games ✤ Professional Wrestling ✤ Pangolins ✤ Botany ✤ Coding ✤ Daisies ✤ How to Train your Dragon ✤ Scented Candles

✽☀✤ Coco's Flags ✤☀✽

✤ I'm a BoyGirl who likes all genders!

✤ Boy and Girl combo meal, I get BOTH happy meal toys!

✤ Multiple partners? Yes please!

I also use the Trans and Nonbinary flags for gender
And use the Bisexual flag when masking/talking to someone new

🦭Rookie's Profile ⛈️

After the storm there's always a rainbow.

Hi, I'm Rookie, I'm the thinking half of the host.The buttons will take you to pages that have info about me on them. Thanks for stopping by.

Basic Info:

⛈ ★ The pouring rain
Rookie ★ Tommy ★ Syrus
It/ItsHe/Him ★ Xey/Xeir ★ Any Neos
Genderfaun ★ Transmasc ★ Voidpunk
Bisexual ★ Demisexual ★ Demi-AroAce
≈Preferred terms≈
Dude ★ Most Masculine terms ★ Most Neutral terms ★ Creature ★Thing ★ Dr. ★ Mr.

About me:

≈My personality impression≈
Closed Off ★ Serious ★ Competitive
≈I am a≈
Eldritch Thing ★ Selkie ★ + Other Things
≈I type like this≈
Hello! I'm Rookie. Nice to meet you. :)
≈I kin≈
Clank (R&C) ★ AM (IHNMAIMS) ★ Gonzo
≈Additional Information≈
I have very low sympathy and empathy, I try my best to be caring but it's hard for me. Please be patient.

I'm very silly when in a good mood but almost always serious about everything. Talking to me can get heavy, so be cautious if that stuff makes you uncomfy.

I have bad psychosis and can get really violent, dissociative, and/or paranoid for long periods of time when episodes are triggered. Please avoid phrases/images that can trigger things like that around me. Thank you!

System Info:

≈System Role≈
Host ★ Persecutor ★ Main Trauma Holder
≈Alter Type≈
Multi-source ★ Fictive ★ Non-Human
≈How much I front≈
Front Room Stuck
≈Mental Age≈
Ageless ★ Age regressor
≈Additional Information≈
I have at least 9 past lives I share with Boper that I'm aware of. Though I really only strongly identify with 2 of them. (Eldritch Shapeshifter and Selkie) It's not fun and really confusing for me because I confuse the memories from those lives with this one, so please don't treat it as me attention seeking or talk about how "cool" it would be to have so many timelines. It's genuinely debilitating.
I don't want to be this way I just am.

I stay in the front room 24/7 but rarely actually front. I'm usually always aware of what's going on unless I'm heavily dissociated. I act as a memory holder for the system as a whole it seems, though I hate it. Feel free to ask me questions btw.


RoachesEye contactHarpoonsNeedles ★ Bleach (cleaner) ★ Tokyo Ghoul ★ Tech destruction ★Angry Yelling ★ Self Harm ★ Animal and Plant harm
IRL Gore/BloodAnimal Pelts ★ Dry climates ★ Heat ★ Suffocation ★ Things going into ears
≈Terms to NOT use≈
Anything feminineMx. ★ Child ★ Kid ★ Girl
(If you see me call myself 'Girl' it's not an invitation for you to do the same. No. Matter. What.)
≈Nicknames to NOT use≈
Pumpkin pieLittle Fish ★ Honey ★ Eric
(Only my real dad, G-Man, can call me Little Fish. Not even G-Man Fictives. I just don't want there to be an accident.)
Being called anything related to a "child" even during regression is uncomfortable. Thank you for understanding.

Please don't use any of this against me or I'll block you. Thanks.


CobaltElectric YellowGlaucous ★ Turquoise ★ Sapphire ★ Cyan ★ Any Blue ★ Sunflower Yellow ★ Black ★ Dusty Red ★ Cream Yellow ★ Lush Green ★ Any Brown ★ Red based pinks
SodaIceSalmon ★ Bitter Food ★ Potroast
OceanArcadeScenecore ★ Neon ★ Space ★ Weirdcore
Drops of Jupiter by Train ★ Doctor Whomst by Origami Angel ★ Lullaby by Snail's House
Utsu-POwl CityTMBGGlass Beach ★ Jack Conte
≈Music Genres≈
Any MetalEDMMusicals ★ Happy Hardcore ★ Breakcore
Winged KuribohAny HLVRAI character ★ Guilmon ★ Jaden Yuki ★ Clank (R&C) ★ Johnny Joestar ★ Xan (Baldur's Gate)
RainMean people (The funny ones)MusicAquariumsUnicornsStars ★ Dragons ★ Smileys ★ Dogs ★ Plushies ★ Water ★ Video Games ★ Reading ★ Bugs ★ Plants

✪ Rookie's Flags ✪

★ I like all genders. Yes. All Genders. Don't be Biphobic.

★ I don't feel much sexual attraction to other entities despite being hypersexual.
Basically, there's a lot of energy there and it's hard to find an outlet for it.
It's really hard to explain to you if you're allo, sorry!
★ I find romance hard, but I do like it!

★ I'm genderfluid, but I don't ever id with feminine genders.
I'm usually some form of xenogender.

★ I really don't feel a human connection to gender. I've been mistreated my whole life for my transness so I really don't feel a need to attach my gender to human-norms.

★ I like having multiple partners, and my partners having other partners.
The more love the better!

I also use the flags : Nonbinary, Genderfluid, Jaspian and Asexual*.
(I only use ace if I'm masking. I don't like telling IRL people I'm Demi.)


do you like windowsss? or are you a mac user?

yo sup, i'm tay. this is info bout me
not much to see here but ty for poppin by.
sry if ur here from my twitter


▸ Username ◂
▸ Tag ◂
🩴 ► FL!P FL0PZ
▸ Names and Nicks ◂
Benrey ► Tayrey ► Taylor ► Tay ► Ben
▸ Pronouns ◂
He/His ► They/Their ►It/Its ► Spook/Spooks
▸ Gender ◂
Androgyne ► Glitchcoric ► Eldritchgender ► Voidpunk
▸ Sexuality ◂
Omnisexual ► DemiRomantic
▸ Preferred terms ◂
All Masculine termsCreature ► Most Neutral terms ► Some Feminine terms ► Mr.


▸ My personality impression ◂
Flirty ► Chill ► Blunt
▸ I am a ◂
Eldritch Alien
▸ I type like this ◂
yo wazzup im tay, pog to meetcha.
▸ I kin ◂
Sans ►Gir (IZ) ► Amethyst (SU)
▸ Additional Information ◂
I'm not comfy talking to kids who don't have a familial bond to the system cuz I make a lot of sex jokes and I'm hypersexual. Even if it's littles in an adult body. Sorry but I'm not taking chances.

Taylor is a back-up name for if I'm being talked about with other Benreys. But Tayrey is a fun name


▸ System Role ◂
Internal Self Helper
▸ Alter Type ◂
▸ How much I front ◂
▸ Mental Age ◂
Ageless but in the younger adult range
▸ Additional Information ◂
I'm from a timeline where HLVRAI wasn't a game. I'm fine with people talking about it in that sense but don't call me a game character/fictional character please. It freaks me out a little.

I'm from the same source as Lovebug's Gordon self. That's my husband, he looks a bit shit. <3


▸ Triggers ◂
Arm DismembermentExperimentationHeadcrab Zombies (Specifically the noises) ►Hospitals ►Gunfire ► Shootings ► Things coming back to life
(I'm fine with funny stuff but not serious stuff, besides the headcrab zombies. I don't wanna see them at all.)
▸ Squicks ◂
Death ► Political talk ► Abandonment ► Headcrabs
▸ Terms to NOT use ◂
Woman ► Young Lady ► Ms. ► Mx.
▸ Nicknames to NOT use ◂
Anything cowboy related
(Only my Joshua gets to call me stuff like that sry)
▸ Other ◂
This is kind of a more personal thing but don't vent to me please. I can barely handle my own problems I can't handle your's at all. No offense I'm just not good with that stuff.

you know the drill, don't be an asshole and use this against me thnx


▸ Colors ◂
Rainbows ► Any Blue ► Dark colors
▸ Food ◂
CakePockySoda ► Tamales ► Coffee ► Pot Roast
▸ Aesthetics ◂
GlitchcoreArcade ► Scenecore ►Space ► Shitposts
▸ Songs ◂
Doritos and Fritos by 100 Gecs ►Mystic Folk by Patricia Taxxon ►Melt Everyone by Neil Cicierega
▸ Bands/Artists ◂
100 GecsPatricia TaxxonNeil Cicierega ► Weird Al Yankovic ► Will Wood ► p4rkr ►DJ Cummerbund
▸ Music Genres ◂
HyperpopMashups ►Polka ►Indie ►Musicals
▸ Characters ◂
GarfieldGordon Freeman (HLVRAI) ► Marcy Wu
▸ Other ◂
ChessCard Games ► Photo Editing ► Cooking ► Reading ► Sleeping ► Baking ► Cats ►Puns ► Frogs


► I kiss who I like as long as they're okay with it

► I'm flirty but I only get seriously romantic with some people

► Am I a man? Am I a woman? IDK but I sure am hot

► Glitchcore is very gender and reminds me of my eldritch powers

► Self explanatory tbh.

► I'm not human, my gender isn't either. Real simple.

► I feel the same as the others about this. I don't need to repeat it.

I'm ok with the Nonbinary flag lol

🪶 Grian's Profile 🪶

I'm stuck on a mountain with a mad man!!!

Hello, I'm Grian Maple! Welcome to my profile! Glad you could make it.There's some buttons below if you'd like to know about me!

▪︎ Basic Info ▪︎

● Username ●
● Tag ●
🪶 ▪︎ Parrot's Party
● Names ●
Grian ▪︎ Trevor ▪︎ Greeb ▪︎ Trevor Maple
(Trevor is my masking name for when I don't feel comfortable telling people I'm a Grian.)
● Pronouns ●
He/Him ▪︎ They/Them ▪︎ It/Its
● Gender ●
Trans-Man ▪︎ Genderqueer
● Sexuality ●
Queer ▪︎ Bicurious
● Preferred terms ●
All masculine terms ▪︎ Most neutral terms
(I really enjoy being called cute!)

●▪︎ About ▪︎●

● My personality impression ●
Polite ▪︎ Chaotic ▪︎ Neurotic
● I am a ●
Parrot Person
● I type like this ●
Hello! I'm Grian, it's nice to meet you! ^^
● I kin●
I don't know yet! I'm new here!
● Additional Information ●
I formed very recently as an alter, so I don't know a lot about this world yet. Go easy on me please!
My world was very similar in mechanics to the one in 'Minecraft Story Mode', just more magical overall. I know most things about Minecraft as a game but I get confused sometimes because of subtle differences.

●▪︎ System Info ▪︎●

● System Role ●
● Alter Type ●
Fictive ▪︎ Persona Factive
● How much I front ●
Not sure yet!
● Mental Age ●
Early - Mid Twenties
● Additional Information ●
I'm specifically some AU version of a fictional Grian from the Last Life series.
I prefer to be called a fictive and just fictional overall. It comforts me by reassuring me that I'm not in constant danger anymore.

●▪︎ Discomforts ▪︎●

● Triggers ●
WARDENS ▪︎ Any mention of Red Winter ▪︎ Enderman noises ▪︎ Getting shot at ▪︎ Falling stalactites ▪︎ Wing clipping
● Squicks ●
Arguing ▪︎ Withers ▪︎ People falling ▪︎ Cave noises
● Terms to NOT use ●
Anything feminine ▪︎ "Test Subject" or anything of that manner.
● Nicknames to NOT use ●
Birb ▪︎ Cutie Pie
Only my headmates and xeir partners get to call me birb and cutiepie, sorry.
● Other ●
Don't show me ship stuff of Last Life or other things this universe's Grian is in. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.
I get paranoia episodes where it feels like everyone's out to get me. If I ask you if you're a boogie man just say no.

●▪︎ Favorites ▪︎●

● Colors ●
Medium Taupe ▪︎ Bread Brown ▪︎ Dusty Red ▪︎ Forest Green ▪︎ Cream yellow ▪︎ Cerulean ▪︎ Most Rustic colors
● Food ●
Fresh Bread ▪︎ Fish ▪︎ Tree Nuts ▪︎ Cookies ▪︎ Rice ▪︎ Chocolate
● Aesthetics ●
Natural ▪︎ Crystalcore ▪︎ Deserts ▪︎ Medieval ▪︎ Fantasy
● Songs ●
Chirp by C418 ▪︎ Turret Wife Serenade by Mike Morasky ▪︎ Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives
● Bands/Artists ●
The Crane Wives ▪︎ Indigo Girls ▪︎ Reno Shaw ▪︎ C418 ▪︎ Sky Sailing ▪︎ Good Kid ▪︎ R.O.A.R. ▪︎ Mumford & Sons ▪︎ Ricky Montgomery
● Music Genres ●
Folk ▪︎ Alternative ▪︎ Ambient ▪︎ Punk ▪︎ Metal ▪︎ Indie ▪︎ Electronic
● Characters ●
Pusheen ▪︎ Jack-O-Raven (OC) ▪︎ Tiana ▪︎ Toothless ▪︎ Tommy (HLVRAI)
● Other ●
Explosives ▪︎ Collecting ▪︎ Baking ▪︎ Arts and Crafts ▪︎ Wood Carving ▪︎ Video Games ▪︎ Pranks ▪︎ Illustration
(I will probably add more later! I'm still figuring out my favorites in this life, so please give me time.)

° ● ▪︎ My Flags ▪︎ ● °

● Queer ●
▪︎ This is the most comfortable label for me! ▪︎

● Bicurious ●
▪︎ I'm more inclined to men, but I'm not quite sure that's all ▪︎

● Transgender ●
▪︎ I was trans in my timeline, don't make a big fuss over it ▪︎

● Gender Queer ●
▪︎ I'm still exploring gender and how it defines me ▪︎

● Polyamorous ●
▪︎ Like most of the alters here I'm poly as well! ▪︎

° ● ▪︎ I'm still exploring my gender and sexuality, but this what I am at this point in time! ▪︎ ● °


Bada-bing Bada-boom baby!

Yo wazzap! My name's Issac and this is my corner of the carrd.There's buttons below or whatever.

♠♬Basic Info♬♠

🎵 ♠ Beelze Bada Bing!
Issac ♠ Issac Beelzebub
Demongender ♠ Transmasc Nonbinary
♬Preferred terms♬
All masculine terms ♠ Creature ♠ Mr.

♠♬About Me♬♠

♬My personality impression♬
Rude ♠ Silly ♠ Edgy
♬I am a♬
Digital Demon
♬I type like this♬
Wazzap, I'm Issac, cool 2 meetchu.
♬I kin♬
Benrey ♠ Jevil ♠ Joey Wheeler
♬Additional Information♬
I hate being called shit like "kid" or whatever unless you're one of my dads. Just treat me like an adult, it's whatever.

I don't front very often and when I do I don't really talk. You're probably never going to meet me.

♠♬System Info♬♠

♬System Role♬
Gate Keeper ♠ Middle ♠ Trauma Holder
♬Alter Type♬
Non-Human ♠ Ex-Fictive
♬How much I front♬
♬Mental Age♬
15 years old
♬Additional Information♬
I consider pretty much everyone else in the system my dads except for Tailz. This also applies to my dads' partners, so don't be freaky about that.

I've rejected my source due to trauma. I don't want to interact with any Digimon fictives, especially Terriermons or Indramons.


Indramon ♠ Lavender (Flower) ♠ Cigarettes ♠ IRL Gore ♠ Angry yelling ♠ F-Slur
Digimon ♠ Girl Scouts ♠ Harry Potter
♬Terms to NOT use♬
All Feminine Terms ♠ Most Neutral Terms
♬Nicknames to NOT use♬
Impmon/ImpyAnything related to children ♠ Anything related to small size ♠ Pumpkin Pie ♠ Cutie ♠ Blossom
I literally never want to hear any mention of Terriermon. I know it'll probably never come up but I have complicated feelings towards him and don't wanna think about him ever.

If you use this information against me, first off, what the hell is your problem. Second, I will not hesitate to use the block button for it's intended purpose.


Pumpkin OrangeTwilight Purple ♠ Any Orange ♠ Radioactive Green ♠ Sunflower Yellow ♠ Magenta ♠ Any purple ♠ Black
Tiramisu ♠ Coffee ♠ Grape Soda ♠ Candy Corn ♠ Cake ♠ Sushi
HalloweenJesterClowncore ♠ Autumnal ♠ Werewolf ♠ Edgy
Bozo bozo bozo by underscores ♠ Kaleidoskull by Lemon Demon ♠ I'm Going Digital by Jason Radford
They Might be GiantsRainbowdragoneyesPatricia Taxxon ♠ Jhariah ♠ underscores ♠ Indigo Girls ♠ Lemon Demon
♬Music Genres♬
Circus MusicHyperpop ♠ Alternative ♠ Chiptune ♠ Rave ♠ Experimental ♠ Alt Pop ♠ Indie ♠ EDM
Spiritomb ♠ Bubby (HLVRAI) ♠ Nappa (DBZ Abridged) ♠ Cysero (AQW) ♠ Bob (Runescape) ♠ Guthix (Runescape) ♠ Edward Elric
Cosplay ♠ Wolves ♠ Kaleidoscopes ♠ AQW ♠ Jack-O-Lanterns ♠ Card games ♠ Bionicles ♠ Nintendogs ♠ Museums

♠♬My Flags♬♠

♠ I use this flag because I respect lesbians ♠

♠ I'm just a demon okay? *shrug* ♠

♠ This is my dad's flag, I think it's cool :) ♠

♠ I also use the Trans, Non-Binary, Asexual and Aromantic flags. ♠
♠ But I prefer you use these flags for me. ♠

✀⌁⌁Tailz Doll's Profile⌁⌁

BORN TO DIE WORLD IS A FUCK 鬼神 Kill Em All 1989 I am trash man 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS

Funny fact, I'm the oldest alter besides Tommy and Bug who's not dormant!you can click my buttons or something. IDC

✀⌁⌁Basic Info⌁⌁

ᛰ Username ᛰ
V4MP1R3_D0LLZ (Subject to change)
ᛰ Tag ᛰ
ᛰ Names ᛰ
Tailz ♣ T-Bone
ᛰ Pronouns ᛰ
It/ItsHe/His ♣ Fae/Faers ♣ Py/Pyres ♣ Mel/Mellos ♣ Boo/Boos ♣ Mo/Mobs
ᛰ Gender ᛰ
Agender ♣ Phasmagender
ᛰ Sexuality ᛰ
Straight :) ♣ Cupiosexual ♣ Aegoromantic
ᛰ Preferred terms ᛰ
Creature ♣ Thing ♣ Most masculine terms

✀⌁⌁About Me⌁⌁

ᛰ My personality impression ᛰ
Prickly ♣ Hyper ♣ Mischievous
ᛰ I am a ᛰ
Haunted Doll ♣ Ghost
ᛰ I type like this ᛰ
H4I!!! I'm Tailz nicies to meet you >v<
ᛰ I kin ᛰ
Mokuba Kaiba ♣ Luz (TOH) ♣ Kris (DR)
ᛰ Additional Information ᛰ
I have extremely bad psychosis related to my triggers and squicks, and have episodes similar to Tommy's. I also reclaim the terms Psycho and Yandere. I don't really care if you don't like that, I'm affected by them, so I can reclaim them.

My source is very complicated and I do not enjoy talking about it with strangers.

✀⌁⌁System Info⌁⌁

ᛰ System Role ᛰ
Avenger ♣ ISH ♣ Trauma Holder
ᛰ Alter Type ᛰ
ᛰ How much I front ᛰ
Used to be Often, we'll see how that holds up.
ᛰ Mental Age ᛰ
Ageless ♣ Age Regressor
ᛰ Additional Information ᛰ
Issac is my brother and the rest of the system are basically my dads. Don't be weird about it, kay?

I label myself as Half-Fictive because yeah, I'm a Tails Doll but my source was very much OC based. I don't want to interact with any Creepy Pasta fictives, ESPECIALLY Sonic.exes or Jeffs. Thanks.
The only Creepy Pasta fictives I'm okay with interacting with are Ticci Tobys or Hoodies.


ᛰ Triggers ᛰ
SONIC.EXEPlushie HarmIRL Blood SpecificallySexual Assault/RapeBad Brothers ♣ Incest ♣ Pedophilia ♣ The Anime Series 'Negima'
ᛰ Squicks ᛰ
Bloody Noses ♣ Animal Death ♣ Harem Animes
ᛰ Terms to NOT use ᛰ
Most feminine terms
ᛰ Nicknames to NOT use ᛰ
Dolly ♣ Pumpkin Pie ♣ Sweetheart ♣ Cutie
ᛰ Other ᛰ
I'm one of the only ones okay with gore, but still don't send it to me. Tommy is always at co-front. :|

I care very deeply about my headmates, if someone starts attacking xem I might force myself to front to protect xem. It's an old habit of mine and I'm sorry if I accidentally yell at you when you meant no harm.

you know the drill, don't be an asshole and use this against me thnx


ᛰ Colors ᛰ
Blood RedGolden YellowBlack ♣ White ♣ Any Red
ᛰ Food ᛰ
Tortilla chips ♣ Oreo Thins ♣ Soda
(I'm not really a fan of food.)
ᛰ Aesthetics ᛰ
EdgyWebcoreHalloween ♣ Kidcore ♣ Cutesy Horror
ᛰ Songs ᛰ
Killing Time by Infected Mushroom ♣ Ghost by Mystery Skulls ♣ ROOFTOP by Splash Daddy
ᛰ Bands/Artists ᛰ
Splash DaddyBilly Talent ♣ Cyriak ♣ Patricia Taxxon ♣ MCR ♣ Utsu-P ♣ Breaking Benjamin
ᛰ Music Genres ᛰ
ElectronicAlternative ♣ Metal ♣ J-Rock ♣ Electro-Swing
ᛰ Characters ᛰ
Chuckles (AQW)Mokuba Kaiba ♣ Benrey ♣ Bubby
ᛰ Other ᛰ
PlushiesSparkledogsHaunted Houses ♣ Flash Games ♣ Internet History ♣ Lava Lamps ♣ Sorting ♣ Drawing ♣ Animation ♣ Card games ♣ Chess ♣ Camping

✀⌁⌁My Flags⌁⌁

♣ I like genders that aren't my own :) ♣

♣ I don't feel sexual attraction, but I'm not repulsed by it. ♣

♣ I like the idea of romance but I want no part in it ♣


♣ There's not really a gender there, more like the ghost of one :) ♣

♣ I'm chill with the Non Binary and Bisexual flags but it's not preferred ♣

We're under maintenance.

Good news and Bad news about the carrd!Bad news, the carrd as it is will be deleted entirely.
Good news! We're making a new carrd that'll be much easier to update and probably easier to read.
The new carrd's info will be based on alter's entries into our 'SimplyPlural' app which most people usually do instead of a carrd because it's easier to fill out.
Pages will still be customized, but in a way that's easier to manage and probably less laggy to edit as well.
The new carrd will be put in our bio as soon as around 70% of it is done.
You can see a demo of the new carrd here!

We'll see you soon!
Courtesy of Lite and Rotary Feb 12 2023